Pre-print: Indicators of COVID-19 status in a cohort study of university staff and post-graduate research students, including results from home antibody testing medRxiv. Not peer reviewed, 2021.
Pre-print: The King's College London Coronavirus Health and Experiences of Colleagues at King's Study: SARS-CoV-2 antibody response in a higher education sample medRxiv. Not peer reviewed, 2020.
Presentation: Coronavirus experiences of staff and postgraduate students (PGRs) at Kings College London: Interim Results, 2020.
Pre-print: The King's College London Coronavirus Health and Experiences of Colleagues at King's Study: SARS-CoV-2 antibody response in an occupational sample medRxiv. Not peer reviewed, 2020.
News Item: Supporting university staff through the pandemic should be data-driven THE, 2020.
Pre-print: The King's College London Coronavirus Health and Experiences of Colleagues at King's Study (KCL CHECK) protocol paper: a platform for study of the effects of coronavirus pandemic on staff and postgraduate students Research Study Protocol. medRxiv. Not peer reviewed, 2020.